Brie’s Story – Chapter 7

Day 152 of the 186th Generation  I had an unusual challenge from George upon getting in my shuttle. I had hoped the tiny hand grasping mine would make him satisfied that I had accomplished it. The hand holding mine was not a mother’s hand. It was a...

Brie’s Story – Chapter 8

Day 320 of the 186th Generation I would probably get a lot more chances to risk my life. I had just talked to Hannah and told her it was my intent to serve as a Protector in the 187th Generation. I decided to go for a run. But after a few miles, and a few passes by...

Brie’s Story – Chapter 9

Day 364 of the 186th Generation People thought I was angry all the time, but I wasn’t.  I let it go.  I breathed it in.  Anger was air. It was something I was used to breathing it in and letting it out. But now… I had breathed out. I was still...

Brie’s Story – Chapter 10

Day 12 of 187th Generation Any confidence I had in Collin was fading quickly. As I sat “meditating”, I only had two thoughts to meditate on: This was pointless, and I wanted to hit him. Hard. I had done some of the strangest exercises of my life, from laying flat down...

Brie’s Story – Chapter 11

Day 18 of the 187th Generation I was alone. George and Collin were at a meeting, the first of the season. All the other Protectors were probably celebrating one night of peace and quiet since all their trainers were in the meeting. Even Tessa, the overachiever this...

Brie’s Story Chapter 12

I was on my tenth mile.  I would not slow down. I loved to finish strong.  But Collin had distracted me.  “What would you do… if you were in Allerio’s Cafe and someone said, “Vis ponere mecum?” “I would punch him,” I said, under my breath.  “That’s...